I'm enjoying practicing veterinary medicine way more than I did before.
Dr. Aron Bhan, DVM & Practice Owner
Main West Animal Hospital
Scribenote has condensed 2 hours of medical note writing into about 20 - 30 minutes.
Dr. Jackie Day, DVM
Grand River Veterinary Hospital
I find that I can improve my quality of medicine by spending more time with my client.
Dr. Tammy Hornak, DVM
Grand River Veterinary Hospital

“Scribenote has cut the time I spend on records into minutes of my day instead of hours. I am so thankful for their Auto-Note feature, their ease of use, and for the customizable written templates. Now records aren't a point of stress! Scribenote lets me leave the records at work. Thank you!”

Alissa K.

“Scribenote has drastically changed my life in regards to writing medical notes. It is well perceived by clients and saves me HOURS with my medical records. It helps me to stay present in the exam rooms and not have to be constantly worrying about writing every physical exam or history detail down.”

Fiona H.

“Scribenote is life changing, not to mention I LOVE the incredible team. I am pretty good at keeping up with my notes but having an assist is a welcome change. I am leaving the clinic earlier with less stress and spending more time with my 10 year old son!”

Suzanne M.

“I am super excited to use my Scribenote! It saves my technicians and myself so much time! We are able to help more patients and be more efficient. Thank you Scribenote Team!!”

Diana H.
It'll change your life.
Dr. Aron Bhan

DVM & Practice Owner

“I have tried to keep up with notes via Siri in the past, but she is not a big fan of medical terminology. Scribenote is a 100% improvement over using Siri, and has saved me a ton of time.”

Cassi F.
DVM, Host of the VetFolio Podcast

“You guys are amazing and really again the impact you bring is life changing. For the first time in the last three years, I had a whole day to me. I hope more vets find you. This is not the only issue that creates the struggles in our industry but it is in the top three in my mind.”

Kathleen F.

“Scribenote has simplified my note taking by allowing me to focus on treatment and the patient instead of remembering what I talked about. I can go back later and fill in the gaps and know I have a complete record. It has dramatically cut down on the time I have spent on record keeping. I highly recommend this to anyone that wants reduce the paperwork and increase accuracy of their note taking.”

Jared P.

“I never write reviews but I love Scribenote! I heard about this product on Vetfolio Voice and tried it out. Within the day, I could already tell that this was going to change veterinary practice for me. I was able to focus on my patients, my room assistants could help with holding animals in the rooms (instead of charting), and I was able to leave work on time! I shared the product with my fellow veterinarians in our practice and everyone loved it! The entire practice is signed up and my boss tells me everyday how much he loves Scribenote! Thank you!”

Catherine M.

“WOW!! Doesn't describe it enough. We are a 95% computerized practice. Now, I no longer have to spend a lot of extra time typing in notes. We proof read, submit, copy and paste. It has reduced time between visits, during visits, and given me more personal time. My medical notes are so much more robust than I ever created on my own. I can look back and truly remember the client and/or patient with the information this app interprets and writes. In addition, I have to admit, it looks more professional as well. Again, this has to be the best app/thing since sliced cheese - No joke. I'm excited every day using it. It's such a game changer for me. As a sole practitioner, I saw over 350 patients the first month I used it. It's beautiful to have all the notes there and not need to lift a pen once or twice and do a modicum of typing for corrections. Can't speak highly enough of this app! Thank you guys and gals again.”

Marva D.

“So I have been one of the early adopters to Scribenote, and was sold when the program consistently avoided the same mistake that the last two voice dictation softwares had. LYMPH NODES NORMAL, not "left nose", not "left noise" normal, not "lift n loes" normal. The actual words that I spoke. Maybe it was my Canadian Accent, perhaps it was ambient noise, but no matter how many times I tried to teach the software All lymph nodes normal, it would screw it up with hilarious results.
When It finally came to appointment notes, oh my god!!!”

Adrian W.

“I’ve been a Scribenote user for the better part of a year now, and I can’t begin to explain what a lifesaver this app has been. As a mobile canine massage and rehab practitioner, the ability to create notes and record and/or edit them while on the go has been incredible. I can complete notes in-between clients, or get key details jotted down before I get home at the end of the day so that nothing gets missed or forgotten. I love how everything on my mobile app is synced and available on my laptop as well! The Scribenote team are always quick to respond to any concerns or questions, and are always looking for feedback on how to make this app even more helpful - often implementing changes to how it functions just because of something I casually mentioned in an email. I can’t say enough about Scribenote and the team that makes it happen. I will, without a doubt, be a user for life!”

Lindsey G.

“Scribenote has made my note taking easier and I do it in real time which takes hours off my work day. I often work in different locations and can easily use Scribenote anywhere on my laptop or my iPad. The format is easy to work with and personally I make my own templates to keep me focused and not having to retype things I use on each file. Scribenote’s customer support is exceptional and they often get back to me within minutes of an inquiry email with very helpful step by step instructions that even I can follow. I highly recommend Scribenote to help cut down the hours of paperwork at the end of the day.”

Anita M.
K9 Rehab Wellness

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